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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Where do we go from here

Now that both Parties have had their respected Wonk-Beer Pong-Toast Masters get together's maybe they can start being real with the voters of America.  Neither party is really going to be able to fix things in a four year period, an eight year period won't do it either, don't kid yourself these problems started a long time ago.  Both parties are to blame, each time they promised a tax cut that money had to come from somewhere else-sometimes the Rich won and many time the Middle Class lost, that is not a "Class Warfare" statement, it's a fact.  If you have a net worth of $500,000.00 a tax cut is greatly more impactful to you compared to a person with a Net-worth of $50,000.00. There is no question about.  Its time to face some true facts, the American people donated Millions of Dollars to the ASPCA every night after 1 am, I still believe that is due to that sappy song, as well as the one kid in backwater country who can eat a full meal 3 times a day for 19-cents!!  Heck, we put an overpriced NFL QB in Jail for fighting Dogs but let OJ get away with playing "Jack the Ripper" on his Ex-Wife & her friend and you really expect the political parties to make a deal???

I believe in the Democratic party for one reason only, they still try to be for the American Worker and members of our society who may or may not be in the "so-called" mainstream.  While it would seem that the folks in the GOP only seem to care about Tax Cuts, Religion and a woman's right to choose. Did you noticed anything?  Not a single mention on Debts, Military Action or the way forward.

Change is hard, only we can bring it and it is not a TV Reality Show- People will really lose something

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