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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Duke- Tampa Base: Labor Day

The Duke- Tampa Base: Labor Day: Yesterday while most Americans were hitting the beach, the park, a neighbors back yard or just sitting on the couch, I would guess that many...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Labor Day

Yesterday while most Americans were hitting the beach, the park, a neighbors back yard or just sitting on the couch, I would guess that many don't have a clue of why we have the day off.  Sure, some of us still have to work but a great many have to day off. June 28th, 1894 the US Congress, see at one point they did do something, passed a "Holiday in honor of workers" and chose the 1st Monday of September as the official date.

The Labor Day Holiday had its beginnings in New York City, the carpenters union, wanted to celebrate the work that they did. New York State was 1st to pass a bill designating a "Labor Day Holiday" in 1882 by 1894 23 states had adopted a Labor Day Holiday.

Today many Americans are losing ground, fighting just to pay the bills. Not bills for the extras: A Boat, a 3rd beach Condo or a vacation spot in Europe, but everyday bills.  The way of life our parents set up for us is slowly sliding away.  The American people have watched the American Labor Movement die a slow death.  Fast food workers are making a small attempt at improving wages, it will lead no where, but a attempt all the same.  The only person or group to blame for this is not the greedy business owner, although they do deserve some of the blame, is the Unions themselves.  The UAW and others priced themselves out of work.  The connection with organized crime didn't help either, but in the end unions destroyed the pricing power of the american worker. 

I believe in unions or organized labor and believe that they have a opportunity to improve our economy as well as our workforce.  Partner with businesses as a stake holder, instead of fighting for a few extra dollars a hour, while important, look at training.  Take a equal stake in providing health care to its members; what insurance company would want to cut a deal with 300,000 customer vs. 50 at a local shop.  Why not offer basic medical care on site at the work place with the employees & management having a equal responsibility for the cost. This idea is not too far fetched, many employers already offer child care on site.

At the end of the day; most people who but a product don't buy it on cost alone. The buy for its quality.  We all have forgotten that.