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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Working title- thoughts from a bar stool

I walk into a Beach bar down the road, I'm looking for the remnants of my old life. The propose of my being, the way I used to be, the what to my why. The sun lights the bay water just so, it reflects on the customers faces, showing the effects of alcohol abuse. Make up can try but will never be able to cover those scars. 
California Crome won the 2nd leg of the triple crown and the guy next me 
is bragging about $$$'s he won
The big boats sit on the water waiting for their captains, waiting for that trip out to sea. A trip that will bring their glory back, thoughts of being brand new 
People watching at a bar is the greatest. These folks have no idea they are playing a part in great chess game. They are all just pawns on a great big board waiting to be moved. 
The bartender asks what I want to drink? I tell him "a Coors Lt and a Gin on the rocks" he knows I won't be here too long...I'm not into the wine & cheese crowd. These folks of S Tampa think they are the best of the best but the rest of us know you have to live on Bayshore or Davis Island to have any real pull with the city Govt. It was only 10yrs ago a person could buy a home a block off of Bayshore Blvd for a song. Then as the american dream became more of TV commercial not the idea it once was, those cheap "middle class" home started getting knocked down. Replaced with McMansions, indoor pools, man caves and designer dog houses. For the smuck who stays put in his 2/1 single floor, 1950's style home he suddenly feels like he woke up in a trailer park. His "Brady Bunch" neighborhood has gone Hollywood faster than it took to drop Star Trek off TV. The low rent area off Gandy has changed....the city has changed.
Obama takes the blame 
It's funny to listen to some white guys talk. "I'm not in a position to buy that due to the black guy in the White House" a middle aged white guy says while sipping his domestic beer. Obama came in and the economy tanked, it's all his fault that I can't buy that new BMW. Really your lack of funds is fully due to the President? Interesting I find it odd that some people blame Obama for everything....while forgetting the fact that Bush 2 was the real reason we tanked. Expanded Govt like no other, even LBJ & FDR blushed at Bush 2's massive cash outlays. It was Bush 2 who sent checks out to every tax paying american asking us to spend it on TV's! Hell Bill Clinton didn't even go that route, he preferred to get his cash from the guilty. Clinton turned Presidential Pardons into a game of $64,000.00 pyramid. 
As of today May 28th, 2014 we still haven't found the fuck do you lose a plane?
Walking into the Tampa International Airport is comparable to a trip to that bar in Star Wars.