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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feeling a bit like HST The Duke

At times of great pressure a man finds his true sense of self. The world around him begins to become a slow moving video game.  A game that he either plays with professional skill or Attempting to reach the apex of Olympus.  The hands of gods reach to touch his expanding  sphere of influence.  For where as eagles soar this mortal man obtains a far greater height.  During this level 10 gamer heaven he the player of the longhouse finds it.

I find it odd every night at this place, the smell, the women, the men and the booze, all wanting a piece of my flesh. A moment of my time.  Anything to feel like someone else, understand their pitiful existence on the orb.  Like I can really help, like my ear will some how raise their standing from mud puppet to human.  Give me a break you were done the moment you were born.  Your trailer park family didn't help matters when they let you stay home from school because Dr. Phil was on that day.
You know your the Dammed and you don't see a way out. The right & the left offer a slogan to be proud of but little in way the true meaning, a light at the end of the tunnel.  Obama is a good man but he was handicapped right from the start, too big, too much and too true.

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