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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tampa The city that sleeps

The City of Tampa is a busy place, Office workers moving to and fro.  Homeless people in the parks, they bring color to the hustle & bustle of the Tampa's core.  The Restaurants are busy, lunch time is the best.  Cabs & Buses jamming the traffic on Ashley & Kennedy, folks on bikes, hipsters really trying to be Green only add to the mess.  But as the sun begins to set the city starts to change, the Office workers head to the parking garage or open air parking lots, and make their way home. The Buses & Cabs move on the airport of S. Howard Ave for their fares.  The few bars in the City's core begin to fill up for the all important Happy Hour 4-7pm where the attorneys and movers/shakers talk about world they control. Hattricks seems to be the one place they all hang out, darn fine place at anytime but when the night comes this fine establishment become a ghost town.  Of course Hockey Games, Concerts and other Events bring some life to the Downtown area but by & large those are few and far between.
As for the Weekend, the city could be used a movie lot, no one is out, nothing is open and hardly a car can be seen.

The Mayor is on the right track by addressing the needed infrastructure to bring the city to life.  Who wants to live in a city that rolls up after 5pm each weekday and is a parking lot on the weekends. The new condos in the City's core are a start.  The Encore is a great move.  The Riverwalk is long over due.

Keep it up Mayor Bob.  One day we may get the City this area richly deserves.

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