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Monday, December 17, 2012

Work for Tampa, Live in Tampa. Schools & Guns

Hey, just a side note, if you work for the City of Tampa, LIVE IN TAMPA.  Its part of any City Employee's work agreement.  If you don't like go work for Plant City or any other city/town that allows its Public employees collect a paycheck from its citizens, who also dont care if you are not impressed enough to live there.  It's not a soap box complaint, its just the way it should be.  Wouldn't a city resident be more concerned by issues that effect his/her neighborhood if the person lived there?  Seems simple enough to me.

Once again a school was the spot for a killing spree.  I don't know what's worst, the fact it happened or the fact that we have to ask which one....This shouldn't be happening but yet it is.  No, I'm not gonna go on a gun control rant, there is much more at work here than just guns.  When did it become the "It" thing to do? What kind of person goes, "Hey, I know what to do, shoot up a school"  or "Hey, let's walk into a mall, during the Holiday Shopping Season, and take target practice," sure you can do it on a video game why not in real life.  All I have to do is hit the "Re-Set" button and I'm good to go.  Or is it the parents fault?  Little Johnny/Sue, was beaten/Bullied/Uneducated/Fatherless/insert what ever else you want to blame here, hence that's why he/she took the road they did. Ending in the death of multiple friends/family or just plain innocent people.  Blame the Gun laws or lack there of, if we didn't have a 30 bullet clip for that 9mm or if AK's/AR-15's/Bushwackers were outlawed none of this would have happened.   Save it.  Stop it.  Go to a Mirror and look, what do you see?  Can you see that person?  That's who to blame.  Think how you were raised, what does your child have in his/her room that you didn't?  Now, I'm not putting all the blame on us, but think about it for a moment.  Really think about it.  You can try to protect our youth with Helmets, knee pads, security fences, No Football, No bullies, Stranger Danger and more.  But all of that isn't a help when the little ones get home go to their room and start playing the latest "Modern Warfare" or "GTA".  Gun play has even made its way into mainstream music, sports and movies.   It would seem that the parents of the 60/70's made really bad role-models.  From Gun violence, Wall St Scandal, Tax reform that lead to no jobs and over liberal feeling over art/entertainment have all helped drive our youth to this point.

The Gun Lobby will sure be out in force saying "Guns don't Kill People, People with Guns Kill people," this very well be true but I find it hard to believe that Jefferson, Hancock, Franklin and the rest ever thought a Desert Eagle .50cal or "Hallow Point" shells were coming down the pike either.  The 2nd amendment yes gives you the "Right" to bear arms but doesn't say every gun made.  It doesn't say you can own an AK-47.  When this rule was put in place we, the people of this union, only had guns that you shot once and took a minute or two to reload, not spray off 30 shots, take a second, re-load another 30 round clip, and keep firing.

Hunters, Target Shooters- PLEASE STOP.  There is no animal known at this time that is waiting out there in the woods with a Bullet Proof Vest hiding from you.  There is no Target Club with more than a few folks in it you really Shot Large Cal Weapons for sport.  Yea, all 4 of you, the rest may say that do but in fact it's such a small group you don't matter.

Address those facts listed above and maybe, just maybe we will never hear about, Sandy Hook, Va Tech, Batman, Colorado, Mall Shooting ever again.  Or don' will only have yourself to blame.

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