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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

East Hillsborough County

What a difference a few miles makes.  One minute you are in America and the next moment your in Tea Party heaven, or hell depending on your views.

The Occupy Wall Street crowd was never my fav but at least those folks stayed true to their roots.  Yea, some were stuck up, over educated college kids, who wanted a job that paid them $100K a year.  Like that number is just handed out to every new grad with a Liberal Arts Degree, hey it's just money.  These same kids forget that many of their parents busted their asses for $30-$50K a year, it was enough to put their asses through school and exceeded every little want they had growing up.  You see Mom's & Dad's that whole "Everyone Gets a Trophy" thing was a REALLY bad idea.  Also, that bumper sticker you put on your car, the one that says "My Child is a "A" student", didn't help either.  Life isn't fair sometimes you bust your ass and you get crap in return and sometime you win.  Other times you win big and become someone else, something else...a Republican or worst.  Not that being a Republican is bad, heck some of my best friends are Republicans, but these strange days are bring out the worst of the Righty Bunch.
The Tea Party started out the same way as the Occupy folks, all be it they were mostly white, they had a real issue they were fighting for, the debt & some out of control spending.  Somewhere along the way the Tea Party folks really got fucked for lack of a better word. The Republican Right, the Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republicans, got its teeth into the group.  David & Charlie, Karl, Casino Owners and Mormons took hold of the group.  Suddenly it wasn't just the debt, which got it's cascading start during a Republican's turn at the head of the table, it was collective bargaining and pensions.  Leaders who once could work with other members of the House & Senate were kicked out, told they were no longer "Right" enough.   It would seem that the Tea Party has one line of attack/compromise-Do it our way or we all die.  Think it's a bit too much of an over statement?  Remember the debt ceiling fight?  Well, get ready it's coming up again.

I got a email today from my father, it was his usual Right wing rant on how Obama is taking our guns, taking the country over and handing it over to the UN.  The UN??? Really, you can't really think that, can you?  Like the UN could do a better job, have you seen the Middle East Lately?  The email went on to explain how Oklahoma, Texas and a few other states have recently passed bills in their state houses to be a "Sovereign" State, not under Federal Government directives. Like the state of Oklahoma, while a fine state with some OK College football programs could it on their own, where you gonna get your water if the Great Lakes stop piping it down to you?  When the state Alabama decides to raid your state for it's riches, like what oil you have left and those "Blue Chip" football prospects, who's gonna save you from invasion?  Those Alabama boys don't play did you see what they did to LSU?  Have you ever cheated on a girl from Alabama?  Let me tell ya it's nothing your National Guard can handle.  By the way, that's your only defense.  Your National Guard, not "OUR" U.S. Military.  That highway, you know the one with that bridge that is about to fall into the river, fuck you it's on your residents, don't you dare call your congressman... wait now you don't even have a congressman.  That my friends is why the Tea Party is dangerous, People believe all this BS.  I hate Taxes but I love free lunch.  I love my house and I love my tax deduction even more but don't you dare take it away from me.

Wake up, we can't have it all.

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