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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gun Control & the NRA

They are coming to take your Guns!!  Wayne LaPierre, David Keene, Charlton Heston & others before them have made that statement many times over the years, in the face of more and more gun related crimes.  Now, reader, I'm not for banning Guns, taking guns away from Americans, it's our right!  But lets face some facts, when those old white men in 1775-1776 wrote the US Constitution they were talking about Muskets & Kentucky Rifles not Uzi's, AR15's and .50Cal's.  The folks who claim these types of weapons are protected are, in my view, just as crazy as Holmes, Columbine Shooters, Jared Lee Loughner and many more have used Assault Rifles to kill. The NRA folks claim these assault rifles are used for hunting....Right and I drove sports cars for their GREAT GAS-MILEAGE!  Is there a Deer in Upstate NY in Full-Body Armor waiting & taunting NY hunters each fall?  No!  By banning Assault Rifles or at least making them hard to obtain is NOT an attack on the 2nd Amendment.  Why would any American want criminals to have better fire power than their own police?  I would hope not.

I own guns and believe in the 2nd Amendment, but I will never understand how the Right & the NRA keep using this very American right to push it further & further.  In Florida the "stand your ground" law is making the state an old west style shooting range.  The Tampa Bay Times looked over the past few years of shootings that used the "stand your ground" law and found that many of the people involved in these cases were the criminals themselves.  Drug dealers shooting Drug dealers, Gang Members shooting other Gang members and even one guy who chased down a suspected  robber and shot him in the back...after a 3 mile chase!!   Its Time to face some facts, We are become more and more like a society that resembles a Hollywood Western.  "Guns don't kill people, People Kill People," that's what the NRA & Right-wingers would seem that they believe in more regulation of People.  Yes, Republicans for more regulation of the sick and the weak...and Black, Brown and Tan, in other words anyone not like them.  Yes, it's a slippery slope to some but sometimes you have to remember the SPIRIT of Idea, not just the Words.

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